Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How do you get the stink out of a Nike polyester short?

When I lift weights at the gym my nike short starts to stink, and I know that alot of people don't wash their behind; and that causes the short to smell. Just to let you all know, I always wash my behind with soap after going to the bathroom!!

I can't wash the short with hot water, because it says wash with cold water only. I've tried using Clorox bleach free but it didn't work.

I hate disgusting people:(|||OK that's way too much info on the behinds.

Just for your info its not the be-hind of the people that smell it your sweat and what foods you eat that cause a smell. Your sweat left on the clothes is odor. bacterial build up. So try a anti-bacterial detergent or body soap and maybe some fabric softener Also try looking for info on what foods or drink cause body odor.|||you should wash in hot water anyways... polyester won't shrink... and use a heavily scented detergent like gain... then even if your shorts start to get a bit ripe nobody will notice because they will still smell like detergent...|||When you wash your shorts, at the rinse cycle add 1/2 cup of white vinegar,to the wash. When you put them in the dryer, the vinegar smell will be gone and also the stink. Vinegar is an odor eater..|||Baking soda in the wash is another odor neutralizer. If all else fails try something antibacterial like teatree or cedar.

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