Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How much does it actually cost to make a pair of holllister jeans or to make a pair of nike gym shoes?

I'm doing a paper that discusses why clothes are so expensive. Like why are t-shirts from hollister or nike gym shoes so over priced and how much of a profit are these companies getting. I want to know how you can find out how much these things cost to produce in the first place.|||In general things are marked up an average of 300%. When you buy something you are paying more for the brand than they actual product.|||Absolutely incorrect, Nikes hae 1650% markup from mfg to retailer.

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|||When i worked at the finish line, the new Jordan's had come out selling at $120, and they cost $15 bucks in materials to make. You can actually buy Nike's in Taiwan or wherever they are made for like 20 bucks.|||T-shirts from Hollister are actually rather cheap compared to most competitors, T-shirts from Juicy are another story. Yes, you pay for the brand that gives you "Status". Try reading about Starbury, this may be interesting to you.

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